development history -j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

development history
  • 2015 - now

    high-quality development stage

  • 2007 - 2014

    take-off stage

  • 1986 - 2006

    development stage

  • 1969 - 1983

    entrepreneur stage

  • in 2022

    nov. ‘tianhai high-end wiring harness industrial park’ was fully completed and put into operation.

    apr. ‘the henan province new energy and intelligent networked automotive electronics and electrical industry research institute’ led by tianhai was officially launched.

  • in 2021

    dec. tianhai won the 2018-2019 henan governor quality award.

    mar. guangzhou industrial control holdings tianhai electronics, starting a new journey of high-quality development.

  • in 2018

    mar. tianhai industrial park was completed and put into operation, and the on-board high-speed wiring harness business was laid out.

  • in 2017

    jun. tianhai auto electronics group co., ltd. founding meeting.

  • in 2015

    ‘tianhai international high-end wire harness export industrial park’ was completed and put into operation.
